The fountain, celebrate your life

Are you able to receive what is offered when life smiles at you? Do you smile back? Do you dare to trust the flow of life? Can you tap into your vibrancy and humanity and fully embrace your life?

This book offers insights and practical tools to live your life and encourages you to truly celebrate that life.

The Fountain: Celebrate Your Life is the sequel to The Fountain: Find Your Place and The Fountain: Make Wise Choices and appears in 2024. Each book can be read independently of the others.

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The Fountain: Celebrate Your Life
Understand the art of fully embracing your life

Every single one of us has something distinctive and unique to share with the world, and especially with ourselves. The moment you assume your rightful place in the fountain, you feel in your body an energetic flow that manifests as fulfillment, enthusiasm, and joy. You sense that you are embedded in something far greater and more expansive than yourself. You then feel carried along by something that transcends you and extends well beyond your family system of origin. This force directs and guides you in a way that you can barely, if at all, articulate, but which you can feel when you inhabit your body well and listen to the signals being given to you. It is here where a little part of your soul speaks.

With this third volume of The Fountain—the metaphor for your family system—you will gain insights and practical tools to live your life to the fullest and also be encouraged to celebrate your life.

Stop living your life in standby mode and start ensuring your own well-being, even when (the very dear) people around you are not faring as well. Claiming space to live your essence and allowing others to do the same from a sincere place makes the world an inviting home. Dare to trust that life has your best interests at heart. Embrace and celebrate the package deal that is your life. Only by doing so will you do right by yourself, your loved ones, and the world while also unburdening future generations.

Every single one of us has something distinctive and unique to share with the world, and especially with ourselves. It is then that you feel the flow of life. Yet life is at the helm, not your ego. Life moves you instead of you determining life. Having said that, the little waves you can make can bring about the desired directional differences within the current you are traveling.

Celebrating your life is the cherry on top of the cake of living your life. There are several aspects involved in allowing your life to flow, and they determine the quality of your life. On the one hand, this involves staying firmly rooted and saying yes to the fact that you are carried along by life as a human being. Meanwhile, you have to engage with your emotional life so you can feel through your experiences. It is precisely then that you will be able to navigate the flow of life well and develop resilience.

To truly celebrate your life and feel fulfilled, it is advantageous to have an understanding of what your essence is and a mission that flows from that. When you are well connected to that, you will be able to celebrate your life from a deeper level.

Els makes the difference between living your life and celebrating your life.

Living your life is done by:

  • Being well-rooted
  • Entering into your emotional life
  • Allowing life to carry you along
  • Being present in the here and now
  • Respecting yourself
  • Having energy to be truly alive
  • Being available
  • Allowing and then releasing experiences
  • Living and letting live
  • Living your essence

Celebrating your life is done by: 

  • Being open to people who positively impact and impress you 
  • Realizing that your heart is more healed than broken
  • Smiling at life and being inviting yourself
  • Creating harmonious alignment
  • Allowing for adequate time
  • Having the courage to be privileged

Once you have found your own place in the fountain and are able to make wise choices, you might expect the “celebrate your life” part to just come to you. “Celebrate your life” sounds breezy, as if you can just lean back and let it happen. In a way, that is true, because you are carried along by life. But you also have weighty matters to deal with and therefore have a lot of things to do yourself. Life is not a peaceful, babbling brook, but rather has two sides to its coin: the beautiful and joyous, and the less beautiful with its deep pain. Over the course of your life, you remain immersed in a continuous process of change and growth. Who you were, you are no longer, and who you are, you will not continue to be. You keep growing into the most recent version of yourself. Those who want to accept only the good in life deny the other side of the coin. Only if you are willing to feel through and live through your pain points can you allow positive emotions to enter deeply into you. You therefore have to go through things in life, but in doing so, you get to experience being fully alive.

The book The Fountain: Find Your Place teaches you to stand firmly in your place in the fountain. The Fountain: Make Wise Choices guides you in working with the undercurrent and setting the course for the future. In The Fountain: Celebrate Your Life, you are invited to celebrate your life.

The Fountain: Celebrate Your Life is the sequel to The Fountain: Find Your Place and The Fountain: Make Wise Choices and appears in 2024. Each book can be read independently of the others.

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